Love You More: The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter by Jennifer Grant was an enjoyable book! I always love books about adoption stories. Every story is unique but has common ties to other adoption stories. This is Grant's story of her family's adoption of a little girl from Guatemala named Mia. It details the journey that God took her family on as they researched and waited and shared with others along the way. Since our family has also adopted internationally, I could identify with all the emotions and the process - it brought back those emotions and memories for me. Her writing flowed easily to share her story, capturing the details and feelings, so that others could experience it with her.
I also appreciated how she shared how God opened her eyes to caring for orphans beyond just her adoption. The same has been true for our family. I love to see how God tells His story through our stories.
This book also includes tips for prospective adoptive parents, resources, and discussion questions at the end. I would enjoy reading this book with a book club some time. I have already shared it with our adoption support group.
(I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their booksneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.)
Thank you! Great to learn your family's story too!
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