Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Step into My Shoes

Here's a fun summer idea ...

We are sponsors with Compassion.  So I love ways for my kids to feel more a part of what that means to be a sponsor and learn about children around the world.  Compassion has a family toolkit that they are offering right now.  It comes with a DVD about Pastor Tom and his family in Uganda, a map of Uganda, a journey guide, prayer shoelaces, and the Compassion Explorer magazine.

"Step Into My Shoes delivers a peek into the daily life of Ugandan Pastor Tom, his wife Nancy and their 12 children, as they gather water, prepare food, find safety when they sleep, go to school, and enjoy time together."

Would you like to go on the journey too?


  1. What a great idea. I appreciate you sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays, so others can join in. Blessings

  2. What a neat idea and an excellent way to teach geography as well as spiritual lessons. Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!
